They had it at a church that has a kids area called Kidztown. It's a huge indoor play area. Ansley had so much fun with the kids in her class and I was so happy as a mom to see her fitting in and playing with all the kids she'll be with this year in class.
Here are a few pictures from the party.
Singing Happy Birthday to the Birthday girl. You can't see Katie very well. She's sitting down in front of the little boy with the red shirt.
A cute area where the food is kept for the kids. My child is there in the black and white stripes. They are sitting on 50's type barstools.
This is Ansley and Abby. One of her new friends at school that she talks alot about.
Some of the play area. It's so big I couldn't get the whole thing in my lens
Here's Ansley and Katie (the Birthday Girl). Not sure who the little boy is. He jumped in at the last minute.